Package comodit_client :: Package api :: Module exporter :: Class Export

Class Export

The exporter is a tool that enables to export entities to local directories. Exported entities may later be (re-)imported (see Import).

Instance Methods
__init__(self, force=False)
Creates an exporter instance.
export_application(self, app, path)
Exports an application to a local folder.
export_distribution(self, dist, path)
Exports a distribution to a local folder.
export_platform(self, plat, path)
Exports a platform to a local folder.
export_environment(self, env, path)
Exports an environment to a local folder.
export_host(self, host, path)
Exports a host to a local folder.
export_organization(self, org, path)
Exports an organization to a local folder.

Inherited from object: __long__, __native__, __nonzero__, __unicode__, next

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, force=False)


Creates an exporter instance. If force flag is set, all data already present in a destination folder are overwritten on export.

  • force (bool) - If True, force flag is set. It is not otherwise.
Overrides: object.__init__

export_application(self, app, path)


Exports an application to a local folder.

  • app (Application) - The application to export.
  • path (string) - Path to local directory.

export_distribution(self, dist, path)


Exports a distribution to a local folder.

  • dist (Distribution) - The distribution to export.
  • path (string) - Path to local directory.

export_platform(self, plat, path)


Exports a platform to a local folder.

  • plat (Platform) - The platform to export.
  • path (string) - Path to local directory.

export_environment(self, env, path)


Exports an environment to a local folder. Hosts of the environment are exported also.

  • env (Environment) - The environment to export.
  • path (string) - Path to local directory.

export_host(self, host, path)


Exports a host to a local folder. Contexts and instance are exported also.

  • host (Host) - The host to export.
  • path (string) - Path to local directory.

export_organization(self, org, path)


Exports an organization to a local folder. Environments, applications, distributions and platforms are exported also.

  • org (Organization) - The organization to export.
  • path (string) - Path to local directory.